Improve Your Spiritual Writing With These Three Tips

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When writing a spiritual story, there is really no exact formula. The purpose of your writing and the spiritual development you experience during the process is the most important thing.  You may be writing the story initially just as a part of your own personal spiritual journey, or you may be writing the story because you really have a tale to share with everyone.  Either way, you should go about the basic writing in the same manner.  Following are three tips to follow to make sure your writing is the best it can be.

1. Just Write

One of the most difficult things about spiritual writing, or any type of writing for that matter, can simply be to get the thoughts flowing.  To avoid hitting a wall, allow yourself to just simply write. Make sure in the beginning stages that you don’t overanalyze what you’re writing or judge it.

In the beginning, you don’t even have to edit anything; just let the ideas come to you.  It is much simpler to delete, insert, and polish after the bulk of the content is written rather than trying to do it too deeply as you go.  By following this tip, you may find that content emerges that is not what you originally had in mind…maybe even better.

2. Let Someone Read It

After you have your main ideas down, and maybe after a very basic re-write, find someone you know and trust and alone them to read your story.  This is even helpful if you don’t intend to ever have the material published because their feedback may help you to clarify your thoughts and feelings on the subject matter more objectively.  It may even spark new inspiration to add to the spiritual story or for a new story entirely.

If sharing your work with others is a priority, be sure to ask the person to give you a critical review.  They should look at all aspects of the writing from the content to the syntax, to grammar, to appeal.  Have them discuss their feelings about the story and what type of thoughts reading the story lead them to.  This is another great way to judge if your writing is effective and causes the reaction you intended.  You may even find it brings up thoughts and feelings that were not intentional, but are still very positive.

3. Edit and then Edit Some More

A great spiritual story is all about the message it contains, but if the writing isn’t properly polished that message may get lost. Make sure your spelling and grammar are perfect.  Reword any sentences that feel awkward or stilted.  Reduce the content to only what is absolutely necessary to relay your story in the way you intend.  Million-dollar words are worthless if they aren’t the right words.  Analyze how you might better use common literary devices in your writing such as alliteration, symbolism, and foreshadowing. Once you think you’re done, let another person read it.

There are almost always places where it could be improved. You don’t have to do everything that somebody recommends, but make sure that you at least analyze what they say and understand clearly why you don’t feel it is appropriate.

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