3 Ways to Keep Your Skin Healthy and Cancer-Free

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In any kind of weather, it’s essential to keep your skin healthy. Life insurance for those with skin cancer can be pricey, and even more important, your quality of life can be even more challenging. 

We’ll look at three different ways to keep your skin healthy as well as what life insurance would be like if you battle skin cancer.

1. Be Gentle With Your Skin

Your skin may take a beating from daily washing and shaving. To keep things light on your skin, you can bathe less often, shave carefully, keep your skin hydrated, and pat your skin dry instead of rubbing it dry.

You may be removing oils on your skin by taking lengthy hot showers or baths. Take a quick shower or bath, and use warm water instead of hot. Avoid soaps with a lot of suds. Harsh soaps and detergents may strip away your skin’s natural oils. Select a gentle cleaner instead.

Apply shaving cream, lotion, or gel to your skin before shaving to protect and lubricate it. Use a clean, sharp razor to get the closest shave possible. Never shave against the growth of hair. Always go with it.

If you have dry skin, be sure to apply a moisturizer made specifically for your skin type to help ease the problem. Consider a moisturizer with an SPF of at least 15 for everyday usage.

2. Eat Healthy Foods

Cancer prevention isn’t guaranteed, but making smart food choices may lower your risk. One thing is for sure, though eating healthy foods and drinking plenty of water improves your skin’s appearance. 

You should choose colorful produce for your daily diet. Your diet should primarily consist of fruits, vegetables, and other plant-based foods, such as whole grains and legumes. These foods can also keep your weight in check. 

If you eat fewer high-calorie meals with less refined sugar and animal fat, you can slim down and lose weight. There is also medical technology available, like health apps, that helps you monitor what you eat so you can stay healthy or lose weight.

When you reduce your intake of factory-farmed meats, you lower the amount of processed food you put into your body. Consuming a substantial quantity of processed beef may modestly raise the risk of some cancers.

Lastly, extra-virgin olive oil and mixed nuts may help lower the risk of breast cancer in women following a Mediterranean diet. 

Fruits and vegetables, whole grains, legumes, and nuts are the mainstays of the Mediterranean diet. Those who adhere to the Mediterranean diet prefer healthy fats like olive oil and fish over butter and red meat.

3. Always Protect Yourself From the Sun

One of the most frequent types of cancer is skin cancer, which is also one of the easiest to avoid, especially if you try the following:

  • Don’t go outside at midday. Avoid exposure to the sun during the peak hours of the day, between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m., when the sun’s beams are most direct.
  • Don’t tan or sunbathe. Refrain from using sun lamps or tanning beds. There is no difference between the harm caused by artificial light and the harm caused by exposure to the sun.
  • Take advantage of the shade. Keep an eye out for trees that may provide some shade. Stay in the shade as much as possible while you’re outside. 
  • Wear hats and sunglasses. Protect any parts that may be exposed by draping something over them. Cover as much of your skin as possible with loose-fitting, closely woven garments.

Note: When shopping for sunglasses, look for ones with higher ratings. You should opt for sunglasses branded UV 400, which protects virtually all of your eyes from damaging ultraviolet light rays. 

  • Wear sunscreen. Even on overcast days, use broad-spectrum sunscreen with an SPF of at least 30. You should liberally apply sunscreen every two hours or more frequently if you’re swimming or sweating.

Life Insurance With Skin Cancer

You might be concerned about getting term life insurance with melanoma if you didn’t get it before being diagnosed. Thankfully, it isn’t always challenging to get a policy on cancer.

It is comforting to know that your family will be protected by your term life or whole life insurance policy if a life-altering tragedy happens. The bad news is that approval and rating are very subjective, so you may pay higher rates.


Imani Francies writes and researches the insurance comparison site, ExpertInsuranceReviews.com. As someone who watched family members battle cancer, she stays up-to-date with new life health trends to help people make wise decisions with their self-care.

Article Categories:
Finance · Health · Insurance · Personal Care

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